Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Bang Project

To wrap up our Project Management class, Prof Gaziot assigned group presentations (6 people/group). Our case study (handed out as a packet) consisted of restructuring a company on its way Each group selected a project manager (me !) who divided up the work. We had one week to finish the powerpoint, the Gantt, WBS's for everything, and the 10-pg. min business plan.
We met right away and quickly organized the work into 5 sections:
Management restructuring
Administration re-organization/internal communications
New marketing tactics/new company image
Financial department organization
Customer service department/client communication
There was some disagreement within my group on what the business plan should include, so I emailed the professor asking for clarification. He said...If you have listen my course, you must find everything...I took that to mean that the business plan should include everything noted here! As it turned out, I was right.
My group worked well together, and the Chinese students Aaron and Loïc made great Gantt charts for the project timelines and milestones, and also a new website homepage ! Sadly, though, the Indian girl seemed to have copied and pasted most of her financial part from wikipedia, but at least that was just for the powerpoint and not the written part, and since class was ending she skipped most of it during the presentation.

Here is our big Gantt chart for the entire project. Click on it to enlarge.

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